But the good memories are still fresh in my mind
I was in Chicago back to July, for a furniture NEOCON show
This is the show where I always wish to visit after joining the furniture industry for 3 years.
I would say this trip was worthwhile, fun and meaningful for me.
Lets check out how fun was my business trip in Chicago!
I started my USA trip with Korean Air
I pretty like this airline, especially the friendly services they had provided
Will definately support again if I have the chance to
Chicago, I am coming!
It's extremely tired after the 24 hours flight from KL to Korea and then Chicago.
I wish to take a short nap but my boss did not allow to.
He was afraid I will get jetlag after the short nap.
So, we walked around the Chicago city after the hotel checked in
Started my shopping at Michigan Ave after dropped into the town
Haha...H&M is always my fav brand in the States
Trendy outfit with my affordable price ranges!!!
My boss highly recommended the Weber Grill restaurant where he said their ribs are excellent
And before we started our dinner, we first started a good happy hour
First night end kinda early after the dinner
I was extremely exhausted man!!!!
This is my most favourite breadfast from Mcdonald
Steak egg & cheese bagel
This is the best bagel I have ever had....Muakssss
Started to build up the booth...
Very tiring!!!!
After 3-4 hours, we had finished our job
Look good? I think so!
Just simple and clean...LIKE me...hehe
This is where I worked everyday when I was in Chicago
"The Merchandise Mart"
Chicago is a beautiful city, with lots of unique buildings around
We walked to the Millennium park for sight seeing..
The Cloud Gate Sculpture
It was really cool...I was shaking actually when taking all the pictures
Funny Crown Fountain
The Jay Pritzker Pavilion
The Lurie Garden
Wuhuhuhu...I love lavender..
Give me some!
The Chase Promenade
This is the signature of Chicago..
Hehe...Chicago welcome Hippopo....
I am in love with the Mcdonald in the States...especially their breakfast...
I will take at least a glass of white wine before I went to bed...
This to reduce my stress and tiredness from the whole day at work and sight seeing...:)
Sunday morning, we went to the city church
This is the best church so far I have joined
Very modern and cool with all the heal songs they played
I really do enjoyed the whole event
After the church event, we met up with Peter from Perth
It was very nice seeing him again!
We were here at Navy Pier where it is one of the most attraction place in Chicago
Always mix feeling I had in Chicago...
Cool and hot mixing around
Thats the old building of Navy Pier
Peter bought me to the Ferris Wheel
And I enjoyed!
Group pic of the day
Harro, Ivy and Peter
A simple dinner of the night at Noodle & Company
I had the spaghetti and meatballs with salads
The next day was busying with the exhibition
Not many pictures to show...
However, we had a great dinner at Hugo's Frog Bar Fish House after the tiring day
This is the best steak I have ever had!
So damn good!
Joyce and Scott are husband and wife from Taiwan
Ty and Geaorge are from US, our customers
The next morning, I had Burritos from Mcdonald
Still, I prefer the Steak egg & cheese bagel lol...
After the long day, we had some drinks before the dinner
Ty recommended me to have Bourbon whisky
Just the same as other whisky..just dont understand why it named it as bourbon
After some drinks, we went to Weber Grill restaurant for dinner
This time I had roasted beef instead of ribs.
Taste only so so, still prefer the previous steak from Hugo's Frog...
I was so happy to meet up these guys in Chicago.
They are my European customers who I never espected them to be so good looking...
nyek nyek nyek
Was so fun when spending time together with them!!!!
Yes...we did have a great great night!!!
The last day of the exhibition
We cheers, cheers, and cheers :)
Had a simple dinner as well at the noodles & company
Joyce, a very nice lady to hang out with
She is sweet, pretty and fun...
Do not forget to intro the hotel I stayed over in Chicago.
Intercontinental Hotel, which rated 4 stars...
But without Wi-Fi...Sxxxxx
We cleaned up the booth before we leaving Chicago.
Neocon, I will see you again in next year!
We had lunch at the Riverside to reward ourself
I ordered the fish & chips. But I hate it!
And I shopped at the State Street to reward myself too...^^
Before we leaving Chicago, we met Christine Lavin at the airport
She gave us her CD for the first gift with her signature on it
Bye Chicago!!!
I hope I will be back again next year!
Hope you guys enjoy my "report" in Chicago....:)
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