Online shopping is no longer a rarity in this world, especially in the face of the current pandemic.
There are number of reason why we all like to go for online shopping, not only it keeps the desire for convenience alive, it also has make more enjoyable by helping to save money with every purchase you make.
I remember my first online experience is few years back with Taobao, a foreign shopping platform from China.
Well, online shopping was not so popular in Malaysia during that time as e-commerce was a new business concept that was still not very familiar to the local consumers.
However, in recent years, many traditional brick-and-mortar stores are shifting to online basis.
Compare with the oversea shopping platforms, I find Malaysia has better customer services, smooth communication, easy access, fast delivery etc.
Apart from that, local expenditures will also be rewarded such as cashback and discount which are the huge encouragement for me to spend on these local platforms.
PGMall, is another online shopping platform that I recently came across through my girlfriend.
It's my first time knowing about the PGMall, so yea let's dive into this online shopping mall together and see what are the numerous advantages and benefits they offer. :)

I remember my first online experience is few years back with Taobao, a foreign shopping platform from China.
Well, online shopping was not so popular in Malaysia during that time as e-commerce was a new business concept that was still not very familiar to the local consumers.
However, in recent years, many traditional brick-and-mortar stores are shifting to online basis.
Compare with the oversea shopping platforms, I find Malaysia has better customer services, smooth communication, easy access, fast delivery etc.
Apart from that, local expenditures will also be rewarded such as cashback and discount which are the huge encouragement for me to spend on these local platforms.
PGMall, is another online shopping platform that I recently came across through my girlfriend.
It's my first time knowing about the PGMall, so yea let's dive into this online shopping mall together and see what are the numerous advantages and benefits they offer. :)