Personally, to keep myself healthy, I taking regular exercises since 4 years ago such as jogging, then slowly adding dance work out in my work out routines.
I don't wish to be skinny type but I want to look good and feel healthy.
Well, besides working out, food intake is another important thing to keep myself healthy, especially eat less sweet. lower salt, and low fat food.
My family takes oatmeal in every morning because our family doctor advised us to do so.
However ever since I get married, I felt lazy to get up early and prepare, because all this while I was spoiled by my mum at home (she is the one who responsible for serving nutritious meals everyday). #thanksmum
So happy that NH Nutri Grains come in the right time to replace my daily breakfast meal, no more excuse for skipping breakfast!

NH Nutri Grains is a local product that produced by Herbalceutical (M) Sdn Bhd.
It is a wholesome health drink made from 20 nutrient-rich grains, purple sweet potatoes, and soluble fibres such as FiberSol-2 and Inulin.
Purple sweet potato is a good source of fibre, vitamins, and minerals.
FiberSol-2 is a low viscosity soluble corn fibre.
Inulin is a soluble fibre that acts as prebiotics.

In order to reduce the risk of chronic diseases, namely diabetes and heart disease, it is important that we consume enough whole grains instead of refined grains.
Also, according to the studies, it said that grains should make up over a third of the food we consume daily and at least 50% of the total should be whole grain version.
So now you should know how important the whole grains means to our body!

The highlight of taking NH Nutri Grains is because it contains total 20 nutritious grains which include all the above.
Well now, tell me if you are able to recognize some of the grains that showed in the picture?
If you can't, that probably means you do not consume enough grains for your body.
To me, I definitely know less than 10 types! #lol

NH Nutri Grains is designed for whole family whereby everyone at home can benefit from natural goodness.
The benefits for children who above 2 years old include:
#1 Vital nutrients for healthy growth
#2 Fuel for energy
#3 Enhances memory
#4 Promotes bowel regularity
#5 Boots immunity
#6 Promotes the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria
And the benefits for the adults and elderly are:
#1 Vital nutrients for optimal health
#2 Promotes digestive health and bowel regularity
#3 Maintains health bones, health, and bodily system
#4 Prevent high cholesterol
#5 Reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer
#6 Helps redistribute fat which cuts down belly fat and organ fat.
The NH Nutri Grains is especially suitable for pregnant women, those who has diabetics, high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

The way of consumption is very simple.
Mix 2 scoops of powder with a glass (about 200ml) of cold or hot water.
Stir well and drink after preparation.
You can take it as either hot or cold beverage, and enjoy it whenever you want!
Tips: You should always close the tin cover tightly to keep the freshness.

You can drink ensure with NH Nutri Grains since it is natural made with:
#1 High in fibre and calcium
#2 High in vitamins and minerals
#3 Rich in antioxidants
#4 No preservatives
#5 No artificial flavouring and colouring
It is also good to help you to robust your health everyday!

NH Nutri Grains is now sold exclusively at all Watsons store nationwide @ RM78/1kg.
One tin can last for at least 30 - 40 days, assuming you consume one time in a day.

Anyway, I hope everyone will motivate yourself to have a healthier lifestyle.
Not only eat healthy, but also practice yourself to work out daily, and of course sleep early too!
If you want to know how NH Nutri Grains can keep you staying healthy, you can head over to, or call their careline at 1300-88-2993.
Taste ok mah?
Ya, the taste is good and not very sweet. For me, it mainly taste the sweet potato. TRY IT! :)
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