Hey guys!
Welcome back to my blog, I'm so happy to see you at here again! :)
Today is gonna be a yearly routine blog as I'm writing an annual tradition post to wrap up the year of 2020. :)
I believe that 2020 has been a challenging year for many of us, including me; it's really been a year of unprecedented challenges and changes that have impacted multiple areas of our lives, no matter it's at home or at work.
For myself, 2020 definitely is not the best year; with the start of the exciting resolution plans, then the sudden event, Covid-19 brought to the whole world without any alarm, it's just so unbelievable.
Now I look back at the goals I set for myself in 2020, it seems like nothing much has been accomplished.
However, I can't deny that I've taken the year to learn a lot about myself, and also find ways to improve myself in different ways.
The year somehow has changed the way I behave and think in a way, most importantly I learn to be more appreciate and thankful what I have in life.
It's good that 2020 is finally over, I can't wait for a brand new year to have a new jump-start. :)
So yea, here's a short recap about what I've been doing the whole year, though nothing to get excited about. :)
I enjoy writing this kind of yearly post as I can look back at the goals I set for the year and also it's good to refresh what I've been achieved or done for the whole year.
So, if you're curious, keep reading guys!

I started the year with my birthday celebration month, can't believe I turned 40 this year. :)
When I look back on my forty-something-year-old self, I feel so glad about what I've done, what I've experienced, what I've been through in my life so far. #thankyoulife
It's been an amazing month; I spent more than a week to have the birthday celebration, and truly blessed to receive so many wishes and loves from everyone.
I wrote a blog with all the celebrations with my loved ones, you can click HERE to read it if you are interested.
In the end of January, me and Lik traveled to Hong Kong during the Chinese New year.
Definitely not an easy trip and also the most stressful trip ever in my life due to the Covid-19 outbreak occurring in worldwide.
After we came back from the trip, we did our 14-days self-quarantined at home to self-monitor just to be safe.
Lucky that everything were all good.
I shared the Hong Kong hotel we stayed and also the Instagram worthy places in Hong Kong on my previous travel blogs, you can head over to #HIPPOXTRAVEL and look for label #Hongkong to read my travel stories there.
Right after the 14-days self-quarantine at home, when I was about to get ready to go to work, meet my friends, government imposed Movement Control Order (MCO) as an immediate response on the Covid-19 cases increasing day by day in Malaysia.
During that period, everyone were not allow to leave the house, except for the grocery errands and special emergencies needed, also all business activities were forced to close, except those providing essential goods and services would have to cease.
Speechless....I was forced to stay at home again. #lol
But anyhow, I was quite enjoyed staying at home, maybe because I always spent my time outside the country in the past few years. :)
So, apart from daily cleaning house chores, I've been trying out things that I have previously doubt on:
#1 I'm so happy that I can cook a lot more compared to before, I recently realized cooking at home had become one of my new hobbies and I really enjoyed creating different kind of dishes inside the kitchen. :)
#2 Learned to bake, I can now make my favourite cheesecakes in different flavours.
#3 Me and Lik always wanted to refurnish and reorganize our home sweet home since we married, and finally we now have the time for that. So far, we have done new paintings, installed wallpapers, hanging new curtains, and now we are getting ready to move in the new furniture. It's been great so far and seriously can't wait for the makeover! :)
#4 If you read about my new year resolutions all these years, I always wish that I could read more, so happy that I finished 4 books during the MCO periods.
#5 Managed to create some OOTD contents that I always intended to do, and for the coming 2021, I hope I would have more time to create some OOTD videos.
#6 Never thought that I could play Ukulele now as I used to paly piano till grade 6 but I gave up. Well, I'm still a very new beginner right now yet but I'm happy that I'm able to sing and play ukulele with the songs I like.
All in all, I would say that my stay-at-home is not like just stay home, work, go to bed, but indeed I created lots of quality time to discover my new talents as well.
August is the the saddest month of the year.
My aunt passed away in early of the month.
Me and my aunt relationship is very close and special, she is just like my second mother who always there for me, take care of me and love me unconditionally.
My aunt took care of me since I was little, and I lived with her for almost 10 years after I came back from Michigan.
It's been almost 4 months since she passed and I still cry occasionally when I think of her, there are really so many good memories between us. 感觉真的很不真实.
阿姨, 在天国的你过得好吗? 开心吗? 有常常在笑吗?
记得一定要开开心心, 我很想你很爱你.
As the year comes to an end, the pandemic seems to be entering a second, third and even fourth wave in many countries; still imposing wear face mask, social distancing, and some countries are even force to lockdown.
It goes the same to Malaysia, when many feel Malaysia has done good job of tackling Covid-19, we faced the third wave of the pandemic once again in October.
Life went so unstable once again; grocery stock up, less eating out, reduce outside contact etc.
But it's fortunate that works keep me quite busy in the last quarter of the year.
I'm grateful for all the new opportunities, learning experiences, nice people around me to give me the support and loves; and also glad to work on different projects and campaigns with different clients and people, and of course many loves from my lovely readers and followers too!
Thanks for trusting me, I will continue to work harder and do my best in the coming year.
So, here's my new year resolutions for 2021.
#1 Be more creative: As being a blogger or content creator, I wish to create more interesting and meaningful contents. But creativity is something that comes and goes, I hope I could stay inspired and creative as much as possible.
#2 Take care of my mind and body: I'm 40 this year, turning to 41 soon in January. I don't aim to have a perfect S body shape, but wanted to have a good diet, regular working out, eating healthy and limit myself to just a few glasses a week.
#3 Stop being so hard & stressful to myself:: No matter it's work related or personal life, I think I always giving too much of stress to myself. Every time I try to strive for excellence, trying to be perfect, but all these make me constantly tired and stressed. 其实说真的, 凡是尽力就好了, 凡是不留遗憾就好.
#4 Growing my business: During these difficult times, many businesses are under the pressure and some are simply weren't able to keep going. I can't say that my business perform better than last year, but I'm blessed that the business is able to sustain for the year.
#5 Focus on my new business: If you followed me on my IG @mizhippo, you probably know that I'm going to start a new clothing business. I'm not sure how this new business will bring me, but I hope I can do my best to make my dream comes true as I always wanted to design and make my own clothing lines since young. :)
Last but not least, thank you for reading this reflection and annual goal setting blogpost.
It's hard to imagine what future will bring to us; we don't know when we can go back to normal again, when we can go on holiday, when we will go back to work, or even when the kids can go back to school.
But at least, we should feel blessed that we still can see our loved ones when some people still not able to meet their families and partners.
So goodbye 2020, I'm all ready and so excited to welcome 2021.
Hoping the brand new year would be the better, finger crossed!
Happy New Year, lets hope 2021 will be a new beginning for everyone :)
man eyebrow embroidery
man eyebrow embroidery
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