As most of you know, it was my birthday month. :)
I used to blog about my birthday to remember every bits and pieces of the celebration, and also it's the day I reminded myself that I'm another year older. :)
I just checked my last birthday post was in 2014.
Though it's been 6 years I didn't update my birthday, bu my every birthday, every celebration were surrounded with happiness, filled with laughter, wrapped with joy, blessed with love, and of course celebrated with my fav cake. :)
This year, I told myself I must keep it down in my blog to remember this special day in 2020, because I am turning 40 this year!
I'm so thankful that I had so many beautiful and happiness moments surrounded with people I love the most, my family and friends.
Some of them are really great supporters to support what I love to do, some of them inspired me to be more positive in life, some of them taught me about appreciation of life.
I'm really grateful with everything in my life now.
So, back to my topic of this blog, I had total 6 celebrations this year, with different beautiful people in my life.

I had my 1st celebration with my bestie, Kay and Wan, and this is also the earliest birthday celebration to me.
As my girl friend, Kay stays in Kuching, she decided to plan my birthday dinner when she was in town during December last year.
We had our gf dinner on that lovely weekday night at The Farm Foodcraft at Bangsar South, still one of my fav dinner place in KL.
Thanks for the early celebration, and also the big surprise with the huge bouquet!
Can't really remember when was the last time I received a bouquet. :)
Also, I'm so thankful to have you both in my life.
We've had our ups and downs, but in the end, you both will always be my best friend, who understand me the most, and accept me for who am I.

I had my 2nd birthday celebration with Michelle, Melissa, and Melody.
They are all lovely people I have known for many years, and we used to share our same interest, dancing Kpop fitness together.
They planned the cake for the celebration secretly, and that was quite a surprise for me because I didn't expect it on that night. #thankyou
Oh btw, Michelle's birthday was just three days after mine, so at the same time, Happy Birthday to Michelle too!

I have quite a few good friends are celebrating birthday in January with me.
Venny is another girl friend who share the same birthday month with me, Happy Birthday to my dear, Venny. :)
If you are on my IG @mizhippo, you shall see this girl quite frequently as she always popping up on my IG Stories. #lol

Then, the 3rd celebration with my girl friends, Reiko and Cinda.
This is the second year I had my birthday celebration with them.
Like I said earlier, I've met a lot of awesome people last year, and they are truly one of them.
Thanks for coming into my life and being so honest and truthful to me! #love

I was surprised that my ex-boss, Harro still remember about my birthday.
We met for a cup of coffee at a cafe.
It's always nice to see him, and shared the thoughts and believes together.

Then, the 4th celebration just 2 days before my birthday with my another bestie gang, Cindy, Wyce, Derrick and Jacky.
Thanks for planning everything for my birthday, especially the lovely surprise cake that prepared by Cindy. 你真的很有心.
Thanks a lot to Derrick and Jack for having me in your thoughts as I know you both were so busy on that day.
You guys are awesome! 爱你们哦!

Had a wonderful 5th birthday celebration with my family.
My family is always my priority, and we always had great time being together.
They are the people who stand with me when the whole world turned its back on me.
Without them, I wouldn't be as happy and blessed as right now.

Thanks to my papa and mama!
Do I look like Mr Gan or Mrs Gan? :p
It's not easy to express my sincere appreciation to the both of you, but you both have inspired me to continue to strive to be the best version of myself everyday.
I would not be the person I am today without your constant patience, care, love and support.
Proud to be your daughter; I love you, papa and mama.

Every year, I will not forget to celebrate my birthday with my niece.
She also share the same birthday month with me, just 5 days before mine. #hehe
Happy Birthday, my lovely Ashley!

Last but not least, had a sweet one with my loved one, Lik.
I seldom shared about Lik on my social media, but he is definitely the one who brighten my days when it's blue, the one who make me laugh when I didn't even want to smile, the one who give me all his supports and loves to what I wanted to do, the one who stand by my side when times get hard, the one who tolerate me at my worst and tough days.
Thanks for everything, my love.

So, I'm now official starting with a new number this year!
Another year older, wiser, and definitely more grateful.
Once again, thank you for all the birthday greetings and wishes!
Thanks for all the lovely celebration, awesome surprises, everything really made me feel so special.
Love you all muchie!
happy birthday
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