長慶金鑽 @ 全城最低的金价. 人人都买得起金饰 . 随时换款无压力

金一直被视为一种珍贵的财富储蓄品, 也是备受认可的安全投资方式. 虽然金价的涨跌可能受到多种因素的影响, 但从长期来看, 它仍然是备受认可的投资选择.
自从我小时候开始, 我就经常听到外婆和妈妈说, 有闲钱就该用来购买金来储蓄, 因为金价有望上涨.
他们认为, 相较于其他货币和资产, 金在长期投资中更加稳健, 因为其价值相对稳定, 不容易被通货膨胀侵蚀.
想起小时候, 我也蛮常陪外婆和妈妈逛金店 , 从中也获益不浅, 主要是对金的知识, 比如说购买金时需要注意金的质量和来源, 避免购买低质量或非法来源的金, 还有就是金的不同购买方式, 如金条, 金币和金饰品等, 以及它们在市场上的流通和交易方式.
最近啊, 我也跟好朋友聊起金子, 因为她在过去两年里都送我金吊坠庆祝我的生日.
当时我很好奇为什么现在的年轻人还会送这么老派的礼物. #呵呵
我的好朋友就告诉我说, 金子的价格未来有望上涨, 相对于其他礼物来说更具有实际价值, 听了还是蛮赞同的, 而且现在金饰的设计也越来越年轻化了, 所以戴上都不会觉得老土. :)
好朋友还向我介绍了長慶金鑽, 一家来自槟城的公司, 专门提供各种黄金, 白金和
玫瑰金的钻石首饰, 而且还
以全城最低的金价著称, 确保消费者能够以实惠的价格购买到高品质的产品之余, 还提供7天无条件退换等售后服务, 让消费者无需担心购买后出现问题.

What I eat in Seoul @ Food in Seoul, Korea (Part 1)

Greetings! Welcome back to my travel blog where I document my trip to Seoul back in Dec 2022.
As I previously mentioned, I'm excited to share the various types of food I had during my stay in the city.
It took me some time to prepare this food post, as the photos were taken randomly and the information was scattered, requiring me to do some research once I returned home.
As you may already know, I traveled with my best friends, Stella and Kay; it was an amazing trip to have them both with me on this trip, as they both are true food enthusiasts. 
Three of us made it a priority to try as many different types of food as possible and truly immerse ourselves in the city's culinary culture.
As I was going through the photos, I realized that we had tried numerous types of foods during our 10-day trip, which I think it's well worth documenting and sharing with you all. :)
I will split the food post into 2 parts, because this would allow me to give more details of the food we had, and also make it easier for you guys to navigate and digest the information.
I hope my sharing gives an inspiration for anyone visiting Seoul or simply interested in Korean cuisine.
So, sit back, relax, and let's start discovering the delicious food in the amazing city of Seoul together.