Writing a new year resolution is like a yearly routine for me.
Been writing this for almost 5 years since I started back in 2016.
It's always good to write down things happened throughout the year, and also the new resolutions for the brand new year, so when I read them back, it's like the flashback memories, and also to track my progress on the goals I made for the year.
I think that's the reason why I enjoy writing this post every year. :)
And in this 2021, I wish to putting it down in mandarin.
大概写了5年的年终终结, 还有新年计划, 今年就用中文记录2021吧. :)
就这样, 2021就快过去了, 说真的, 好像过得太快.
啊! Adult life is never easy! 人越大, 面对生活的挑战就越多.
不知道大家在这一年过得怎么样? 希望大家都平安快乐...