Just took a few minutes to read back the new year resolution I wrote in 2021.
Sometimes I like the feeling when reading back the old posts, it reminds me of certain important events and parts of my life, enable me to experience back the emotion and feelings at that time, yet it's like a dream yet so real.
Reading back the past year post, I realized I did not set any targets for myself on 2022.
I did not plan or set any resolution for year 2022 instead I told myself to live to the fullest.
I want to live a free, peaceful and enjoy life; eat what I like, buy what I want and no more restriction in life.
To my surprise, I indeed achieved it by looking back in each month of 2022; no plan, no dateline and no restriction.
I let the time swift me around and I had live freely without thinking too much.
There are so many things (good and bad) to be grateful for and remember in 2022; here, I want to thanks everyone for the unconditional support, cares and patients that given to me, and thanks for showering me with lots of love from the people I met in the year!
2022, you has treated me well!