Australia is Excited to Welcome You Back!

Can't believe it's already 2 years plus, been that long we can't travel to overseas.
I guess this the longest time I stayed in Malaysia without stepping out from the country. 
I really miss traveling; missing exploring a new city, missing navigating the new and unfamiliar experiences, missing meeting new people and learning new culture etc.
As much as I miss traveling, I received a good news that I wanted to share with you all!
Yeap! Tourism Australia is excited to be welcoming back travelers from Malaysia to Australia, with Australia reopening its borders for fully vaccinated visa holders, tourists, business travelers, and other visitors around the world from, 21 February 2022 onwards.
It is indeed good news to me and Lik, as we were thinking about the first country to visit once the border re-opened, and guess what, the first country we wanted to visit is Melbourne in Australia!
We really miss the chill weather, miss hanging around the city, miss sitting at the cafe, and of course miss our family & friends in Melbourne. 

TopzMall @ 女神●女王节●妇女节, Ramadan sales, 6.6 狂欢节促销活动

说到网购, 相信大家一定不会感到陌生.
特别是在这两年, 疫情的关系, 网购在马来西亚更是越来越普遍.
就我自身而言, 网购对我来说不但只是方便快捷, 而且很多时候价格比在实体店来得还要更优惠.
所以那么喜欢网购的我, 常常都会留意各个不一样的购物网站, 看看哪里有好康, 哪里最划算, 哪里比较多选择, 等等.
那今天我要和大家介绍的是一家新开的网店, TopzMall.
TopzMall成立于 2020 年, 是全马首个落地大马主攻跨境马来西亚, 中国及菲律宾的电子商务平台. 这个网购平台, 不但提供便捷, 快速, 安全的网购体验, 同时也让客户透过屏幕体验线上跨国购物的乐趣.
就在刚过的农历新年, TopzMall 2022 CNY Goods年货节把大马文化产品成功的推荐给海外的朋友,销售额还突破了220万令吉! #恭喜恭喜
短短两年的时间, TopzMall不断扩大市场至全东南亚, 打造电商小程序建构自己的私域流量并开启更多销售渠道, 提供创意行销策略以提高销售额, 以现今爆红流量KOL 营销策略提高品牌知名度并提供大马中小型企业一对一有关电商培训.
相信在不久的将来, TopzMall会获得更多大品牌加盟与支持, 也即将成为全亚洲最大的在线购物网站之一.

illy Y3.3 iperEspresso Espresso Machine @ illy Malaysia

If you are following me on my Instagram, you probably know that I recently have a new coffee machine for my home. :)
It's been a while I wanted to get a new coffee machine as I'm thinking to cut down the cafe visit and takeaway coffee at the local coffee shops, so honestly speaking, a good coffee machine is really important for my daily life.
If you are a coffee lover, I believe illy coffee must be familiar for you.
For a long time, I've been drinking illy coffee, either visiting their coffee shop or making a cup of coffee at home with their instant coffee sticks, so the new coffee machine really got me super excited! :)
After using the coffee machine for 3 months, since November 2021, I would say this is really the best decision ever as now everyday I can easily make my best home-brewed cup of coffee at home. 
So today, let me share my personal review with you all, and if you are looking for a decent coffee machine, you must read this till the end. :)

远离烟草危害, 当好自己健康的”第一责任人“

自疫情发生以来, 大家都意识到健康的重要性.
确实, 人最大的财富就是健康!
保持健康非常重要, 因为身体健康才可以享受没有任何忧愁的生活.
那天和身在美国的好友通电话, 聊大家的近况.
好友说, 因为疫情的关系, 他男友下定决心戒烟, 一来不想影响身边的朋友还有家人, 二来新冠病毒对肺部的损害最大, 所以希望借此戒烟.
她分享说刚开始戒烟的几天确实比较难, 所以她男友改用危害较小的加热不燃烧产品来做替代品, 他希望通过这个替代品, 可以慢慢的摆脱烟瘾. 
我好友发现这些加热不燃烧产品给他们生活中带来不少变化, 她说至少她再也闻不到那股烟臭味了, 呵呵.
盖上电话后, 上网搜寻了一下关于烟草对人的伤害力以及她口中说的加热不燃烧产品, 想借此分享一些知识给大家. 希望大家从中也获得一些有关资讯.