This is the Malaysia FreshLook® FreshFaces ColorGirl Search 2015 Final.
It is a search of role models who represent the most colourful attributes of a young Malaysian female; the one who can inspire and make a colourful impact on her generation.

It was also supported by Zalora, GoPro, Kiss Me, and Amber Chia Studio for completing the event successfully.

They hope throughout this search process, the young women will learn to live their lives colourfully.

Amber Chia, the International Celebrity Model was one of the judges and coach for the search, along with Edlyn Khoo (Alcon Product Manager), Simon Tsoi (Alcon Marketing Manager), Michelle Lim (Corporate Grooming Consultant), Sandeep Tewari (Alcon Country General Manager), and Jason Ko (CEO, MYC).

The 30 shortlisted young women on the final search were selected from the total 100 participants
based on the result of the largest InterUniversity which involved over 26 Universities, 6 university prom nights, and 8 universities’ “classroom curriculum” engagements.
All the 30 finalists have to participate the challenges such as #1 Colour in Movement, #2 Colour of Expression, and #3 Colour of Voices in order to be one of the top 12 cover girls.

The top 12 cover girls from the final search are #1 Nicole Sheila Nagalingam, #2 Lydia Charmaine Lourdes, #3 Kho Foong Ling (Jasmine), #4 Chee Yuen Chi (Bella), $5 Tan Yan Rong (Tyra), #6 Arinna Erin binti Wira Izran, #7 Tai Shi Kin, #8 Heng Jing Wen, #9 Cheah Sook Peng (Candace), #10 Afiqah Syazana, #11 Tan Lii Cin (Michelle), and #12 Katrina Kayora Ong.

And finally, the grand prize winner went to Katrina Kayora Ong, a 19 year-old girl from Sandakan, Sabah! She is currently an American Degree Transfer Program student at INTI International University, Nilai. #congratulation
Katrina will not only represent FreshLook® as the official ColorGirl for the year in their consumer engagements but will also attend a photoshoot in New York which sponsored by MYC!

The whole event was fun with the fashion shows presented by the 30 finalists as well as the live band and dancing performances.
Thanks to Pixarus Communications for sharing the colourful day with me.
Btw, FreshLook® color contact lenses is Alcon’s most established range of color contact lenses.
It has a unique 3-in-1 Color Technology, which helps the lenses to blend with the user’s natural eye colors, resulting in a stunning natural eye color change.
There are total 12 colours available as a monthly disposable lens such as #1 grey, #2 green, #3 blue, #4 brown, #5 honey, #6 turquoise, #7 amethyst, #8 true sapphire, #9 pure hazel, #10 gemstone green, #11 sterling grey and #12 brilliant blue.
I chosen brown colour because I prefer a natural worn colour compared to the other outstanding brightness colours in the range.
Well, what about yours? :)
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