One of my girlfriend said this to me in five years ago.
It's true! And if you won't be able to love yourself, you won't be able to truly love anyone else too.
As women, we are challenging by many things in different stages of our life; relationships, careers, families, financials. goals etc.
Sometimes, we tend to forget to love ourselves because we give too much times and efforts to the others.
Women, it's worth to spend time to keep our life balanced and healthy by loving yourself a little bit more!

A Woman's Journey Through Health is organized by the Feminine Magazine.
The event was held at the Grand Ballroom, Eastin Hotel Kuala Lumpur, from 930am till 430pm.
The full day event gathered women of all ages who are interested to know about taking care of their health and beauties.
It's such an interactive and informative event for me because I got to learn more women's stuffs throughout the whole day!

What a successful event with every table occupied and fun atmosphere! :)

With my pretties, Betty, Kelly and Joyce! :)

There were many interesting products to try out during the event, such as mobile van from the Beautylabo Hair Colour.
It's such an amazing idea to provide free hair colouring services to the ladies!.
Btw, this brand is always my top pick when I want to DIY my hair colour at home.
They have a wide range of colours to choose, from bright blonde to natural dark brown.
Also, the application is simple and fast, usually takes 30 minutes for the whole process.

Probably some women might think having nail polish on is such a waste of time and money.
But don't you know that nail polish can actually help protect nails and prevent breakage.
In addition, it also make sure your nails are always clean and nice.
I got my simple topcoat nail polish at the Posh Nail Spa. :)

Recently, my best friend introduced me the Young Living Essential Oil, which is the world leader in essential oils.
She said essential oils is one of the ways to heal ourselves, some scents can actually improve our health, help us to relax and sleep, improve our skin etc.
I have the Peace and Calming to help me sleep better in the night.
There are many types of essentials, so be aware of the brands you choose, and make sure you get the pure oils.

Chia seeds have gained a lot of popularity in recent years because it is a great source of many nutrition, which consists of:
32% your daily magnesium
2x the antioxidant of blueberries
3x more iron than spinach
44% of your daily fibre
100% more Omega-3 than salmon
4x calcium than milk
64% more potassium than a banana
Everyday, I'll get some chia seeds adding them into my water bottle.
But sometimes, I find chia seeds can be difficult to digest if I poured too much into my water bottle, hence I think the new formula of Uniqo chia seeds powder would be another great choice.

Chia seed or chia seed powder can be used for making some healthy food and drink too such as berry smoothie, salads, puddings etc.

It's important to have a bone density test to determine if you have osteoporosis, a condition when bones become more fragile and easy to break.
According to the International Osteoporosis foundation, osteoporosis accounted for 8.9 million of reported fracture cases.
Women are more likely to get osteoporosis than men (about 60% of them are women) because we have smaller and thinner bones, also when women reach menopause, it can cause bone loss.
So, how to prevent osteoporosis?
#1 Increase bone density by doing regular resistance movement such as yoga, tai-chi, or aerobics
#2 Have the right choice of food such as vitamin D and vitamin K
#3 Avoid alcohol as it will reduce the vitamin D in our body
#4 Drink at least 1 glass of milk or any daily products

Why choose Karihome goat milk formula?
#1 Good nutrition: it has high nucleotide, sialic acid, casein phosphopetides (CPP) and taurine naturally which are vital for the health and well-being of the children
#2 It's easier digest: it has softer curds which can be digested more readily than cow milk
#3 Improves tummy health: goat milk can reduce the risk of getting gastrointestinal problems such as vomiting, diarrhea, and tummy upset
#4 Reduce allergenic burden: Many children who experienced itchy skin and rashes after drinking cow milk were fewer or less severe reaction when they switched to goat milk.
Also, goat milk (0.19%) is proved to have more calcium than cow milk (0.18%).

Every cut or injury to the skin will form a scar, and I'm sure nobody wants scars on they body and face.
Some tips for scar management:
#1 Use natural soap and warm water to wash off the scar before any medicine application
#2 Protect your scar from exposure to sunlight
#3 Use silicone scar gel
#4 Never use harsh soap or anything that contains irritants on the scars
#5 Don't scratch the scars before it is fully recovered
#6 Avoid creams or lotion that result in clogged pores
Dermatic Advance is an advanced scar formula that is proven effective in the management of scars.
It has the innovative CX5 technology for improved effects in flattening and softening scars and contains a unique vitamin C which gives the benefit of photoprotection and skin lightening.

Apart from the products, there are also some women talks too.
It's great to know some good tips of how to improve women fertility from the TMC Fertility Centre.
#1 Get a healthy diet: the right nutrients will support hormone balance, egg/sperm health, implantation and pregnancy
#2 Aim for a healthy weight: takes longer to conceive if over weight or underweight
#3 Exercise: aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity everyday
#4 No Smoking: affects each stage of the reproductive process, increases risk of miscarriage or ectopic preganancy
#5 Alcohol: cause heavier and irregular periods, and also longer to conceive
#6 Caffeine: more than 500mg caffeine reduces fecundity rates
#7 Reduce stress: it can compromises the quality of your eggs

Last but not least, come and shake your body with the Zumba dance!

It's my first time joining the beautiful event with A Women's Journey Through Health 2017 by the Feminine Magazine, thanks so much for having me on this awesome day!
I had a lot of fun and look forward to the next time! #dancing
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