HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the Butterfly Project!
It's my first birthday party celebration with the Butterfly Project and all the pretty butterflies.
I was so excited when I got my invitation from the Butterfly!
Thanks for having me, and it was really a fun party with everyone!

It was glad to social-mingle with old friends, and also get to know new friends.
Some of us met on IG, and so happy that we finally met in person.
Though I know I didn't get to say HI to everyone at the party, I do had a lovely time with all of you!
Make sure we have more chances to gather and mingle around in the next party!

Can you feel my excitement over the party?! #hehe

Lots of food and dessert were served during the party.
And the decoration of everything was just too awesome and lovely!

The simple rosettes in different pastel colours make this layered cake a perfect eye-catching cake!
It also matched well with our pretty pastel themed party too!

Well, you might wonder what is the Butterfly Project.
The Butterfly Project is a community that gathers beauty and lifestyle bloggers.
The community creates an interactive experience and activity by reaching out the brands to the bloggers.
It also acts as a place where the bloggers can have the opportunity to create their personal stories with their passions, experiences, interests, and reviews too. #howgreat

BIG thanks to our Mamasan, Tammy Lim from the Butterfly Project.
Thanks for acknowledge the little potatoes of us, and help us to connect with different brands together.
Certainly, there are some people hold their beliefs on bloggers; thank you for supporting and believing in us, and bring us from brand A to Z!
Thanks for giving us the opportunity to show off our works and get them read by people!
All your hard work is much appreciated!

In the birthday party, we had so much fun with the super duper lovely photo booth from Gliz & Glam Studio!
Everyone love the backdrop with all pastel colours!
Trust me! You can never get enough pictures with this colourful backdrop!
They did a great job using the right lighting, creative designs to create a beautiful atmosphere for us! Thank you soooo much!

Another BIG BIG surprise comes from all the sponsors to our Butterfly Goodies Bag!
You all rock our party!!! #yeayea
#1 Wanderlust Things: Unicorn Eye Makeup Brush
#2 W.Lab: Pocket Shadow Pallet Blooming
#3 1028: Big Eyes Magnifier Mascara
#4 Dolly Wink: Liquid Eyeliner WP Super Black
#5 Orkid Cosmetics: Liquid Lipsticks
#6 Neesya: Cleaning Set
#7 Mamonde: Long Lasting Liquid Eyeliner and Floral Hydro Mist
#8 Clinelle: UV Defense SPF50, PureSwiss Hydracalm Sleeping Mask and Hot Body Shapper Cream
#9 Hadabisei: Moisturizing Face Mask Extra Rich
#10 Adidas: Climacool Shower Gel and Climacool Deodorant
#11 Pax Moly: Aloe Vera Soothing Gel
#12 Photobooth Malaysia: Simple Book 6 x 6 hardcover 20 pages and 50 x 4R prints

We have too much happiness from the goodies bag! #thankyousomuch
I will introduce all the products in the coming blog post, and also share them on my social media channels, so make sure you come back to read or follow me on my FB page @ hiphippopo.com or IG page @hiphippopo.com.

Once again! Happy Birthday to the Butterfly Project!
Thanks to everyone in the team who made this birthday party so lovely and made everyone so happy!
Love you all muchie muchie muchie!
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