Bye 2016, Hi 2017

Too fast!
Time to bid farewell to 2016!
I think I didn't complete many of my new year resolution in 2016.
The biggest accomplishment is my marriage with Lik since I spent almost half years to prepare it. #lol
I didn't go to many places compare to the previous years, just made it to Melbourne, Sydney, Bangkok and Hong Kong.
Well, instead of writing a sum up of my 2016; this year I want to write about my 2017 New Year's resolution.

#1 Travel to more places
I don't have any specific places in my mind now, but I definitely wanna go to Xi An and Shanghai in the next year.
Life is too short for not travelling and explore the world, peeps!

#2 Pick up my reading habit
I only finished one novel so far in 2016. :(
I used to read a lot when I was a child, but not anymore now.
I feel like my brain is getting old, when I will restart my reading habit again?!

#3 Blog more and share more
I love blogging and I really enjoy sharing good things and my thoughts with my words.
Though I'm not a good writer, I'm very happy whenever I received good compliments after people read my blog. #thankyou
In 2016, I received more interesting reviews and events compare to the previous years; and I hope more exciting things are coming up soon!

#4 Keep fit
I know this has been in my resolution bucket list for many years, still this is gonna be my resolution in 2017. :)
I want to go back to do some regular routine exercises in every week.

#5 Learn to slow down my steps
Most of the times, I found myself hurrying too much.
It creates a lot of stress in my body.
I want to take the time in 2017 to slow down the hectic lifestyle and enjoy my life.

#6 Be patient
To be honest, I'm an impatient person.
In this brand new year, I want myself to be more patient.
I want to learn to listen more than talk.

#7 Start my travel diary
I want to do it for long time when I saw many beautiful works out there.
It's quite a big challenge for me as I'm not very good in drawing, as well as being creative.
So, I want to challenge this in 2017.

#8 Gain more readers and followers
One of the biggest challenge of blogging is to gain followers and likes on the social medias.
I hope that I can hit my desired targets with more likes, shares and followers on my blog, FB page, and Instagram.

#9 Earn More
Everyone wants to earn more, so am I! #lol
I wish my business can grow faster so that it helps me to earn more!
No matter what it brings to, I want to earn more than whatever I earned from last year.

#10 Big dream comes true
I have a big dream in 2017, I will announce it when it is officially confirmed.
Not only I hope, but indeed I want to get it so desperately.
Probably this is the biggest dream ever in my life, so keep my finger crossed!

I will make my 2017 new year resolution up to 10 now.
I probably will not achieve all if I list down another 5 or more. #lol
If you haven't make your new year resolution, you can try do it now.
It's fun to see how much you can achieve in a year.
Last but not least, HAPPY 2017 to all of you!
The most important thing is to stay healthy and happy all year long!

Till I see you in 2017 ♥♥♥

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