TOP’s ‘Pass It On’ Community Campaign Exceed Expectations!

How do you get rid of the clothes that you don't want or don't need any longer?
I usually donate them, or give them to someone else.
I think whatever you do, it is better than throwing them into the trash.
Give yourself a big applause if you are voluntarily to give away because giving to those who need or have less is not only benefited to the communities, it's also environmentally friendly as well.
Just like how the Top's "Pass It On" Community Campaign used their breakthrough technology to revive, refresh, and renew clothes which brought a bigger issue of supporting and empowering communities!

In March, TOP, the No. 1 detergent brand in Malaysia, introduced the TOP "Pass It On" community campaign, with the mission of collecting 2,000 pre-loved and gently used clothing items to be micro-cleaned before gifted them to 30 different Malaysian community organizations.
It's proud to say that "Pass It On" campaign has been overwhelmingly positive and exceeded expectations from the communities!

The campaign started from 7th March till 18th May 2017 in the Klang Valley, Kuala Terengganu, Penang, Johor, Sarawak, and Sabah.
It is believed to be the biggest and successful activity in Malaysia, which involved thousands of pre-loved clothes collected from the nationwide, sorted, laundered professionally with TOP Micro-Clean Tech detergent, then finally packed each items before distributed by the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development to those who can benefit from them.

It is surprising that the TOP "Pass It On" Campaign has a collection of 5,046 quality pre-loved clothes throughout the campaign activity.
The Minister of Women, Family & Community Development, Dato' Sri Rohani Abdul Karim officiated the grand finale of the campaign which included the handover of some of these "micro cleaned"clothing items to representatives from 5 different Klang Valley community organizations at Mydin Mall USJ.
YB Dato' Sri explained that this is the type of private-public-people campaign that the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development wants to achieve by helping more people, while building awareness among the public that there is much that they can contribute that is of benefit.

TOP, is the Number 1 detergent brand Malaysia.
The brand is famous with it's Anti-Malodour expert, and now added the new Micro-Clean Tech with Anti-Sebum technology to it's arsenal.
This new technology that all developed by Lion Corporation Japan, helps to remove visible, and invisible stains for hygienically clean living.

The TOP and it's R&D team found out that the cause of invisible stains as sebum, the body oil that is naturally secreted by our bodies.
Sebum also present with sweat, and we produce more of it especially in the hot and humid climates such as Malaysia.
It can be trapped in fibre cores, though it is unseen from the surface.
The trapped sebum molecules are not easy to remove with ordinary detergents; however it can be nutrient source for bacteria and the breakdown of these molecules can result in unpleasant colour.

TOP would like to thanks to all the support and trust from their consumers by trusting TOP's Micro-Clean Tech detergent to renew and refresh their pre-loved clothing before it is gifted to the next user.
Many of the new user of the pre-loved items have shared their happiness at finding that they are almost as good as new, looking, feeling and smelling clean!
Like TOP said: "As always it isn't clean, until it's mirco-clean!"
Check out the TOP Micro-Clean tech with anti-sebum technology at all retailers in Malaysia, or find out more at